
Napovednik novembrske številke Bančnega vestnika

nov. 6, 2019, 14:11 pop.

Boštjan Vasle: The policy mix for the challenges ahead

Dušan Mramor: EU fiscal rules and unsychronised eurozone economic policy

Mojmir Mrak: Central fiscal stabilisation capacity of the EU / euro area: where we are and where do we go?

Timotej Jagrič, Rasto Ovin, Johnathan Mun and Dušan Fister: Financial Cycles: A Monetary Policy Indicator

Gonzalo Caprirolo: Policy options for a low interest rate environment

Mitja Gaspari: Monetary and fiscal policy challenges in a time of uncertain economic growth: searching for the right solution

Aleš Delakorda: Uncertainty, fiscal policy and the way(s) out

Neven Vidaković: Rules vs. discretion: Case of monetary policy in Croatia

Ivan Nikolić: Spillover effects of non- standard monetary policy measures and of future monetary policy normalisation on Serbia

Tomohiko Takahashi: The Impact of the Bank of Japan’s Low and Negative Interest Rate Policy on Financial Institutions

Debora Revoltella, Laurent Maurin and Simon Savšek: Financing conditions in the era of substantial monetary policy stimulus

Vasja Rant: Macroeconomic stabiliszation in the euro area: A role for development banks?

Simon Jazbec: Bank Business Model Assessment: A Quantitative Approach

Arjana Brezigar Masten and Robert Zorko: Credit Growth After the Crisis: Evidence from Firm-Level Data.